Tenant Information

Participants gain benefit from participating in the Rent Assistance program  in partnership with PHA and the landlords of the rental property. They are assured access to decent housing they would otherwise not be able to reasonably afford, and are charged rent based on their current income.

Participants as Partners in the Rent Assistance Program

Prior to entering the Rent Assistance Program

When the program is accepting application: When the waiting list for the program is open applicants must schedule an interview at the  PHA to determine their eligibility for the program. At this time, prospective applicants will be required to submit same documents needed as listed on the  "Applications and Required Documents":/public-housing/application-requirements.html page.

Once applicants are participants in the Rent Assistance Program

After being accepted into the program, each applicant family must attend a Briefing at the PHA. At the breifing, the applicant will be given information about the housing choice voucher program and will be instructed what requirements the apartment they may rent must meet, and how to go about looking for a suitable rental property for their family. At the briefing the applicant will be given a packet of information and forms which must be completed once they find an apartment.

Once the applicant find a rental property

  • Complete the forms given to them at the tenant briefing,
  • including a signed lease (part of the packet).
  • PHA will arrange with the landlord to have the property inspected, and certified for program eligibility.
  • Schedule an appointment with PHA to verify income and determine participants contribution of rent.